Date of Birth : 23/12/1965
Date of Initial Appointment : 05/03/2019
Date of Joining : 05/03/2019
Date of Retirement : 22/12/2027
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 5th March 2019.
Belongs to family of Lawyers and Judges.
Completed Bachelors of Commerce in 1986 with First Class.
Became Chartered Accountant and enrolled as an Associate Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India in 1990 and started practice as a Chartered Account.
Completed Bachelors of Law from Gujarat University, Ahmedabad in 1993 and enrolled with Bar Council of Gujarat as an Advocate. Surrendered Certificate Of Practice (COP) as Chartered Accountant and started practice in High Court of Gujarat and Income Tax Appellate Tribunal mainly specialising on Direct and Indirect Tax laws appearing for the assessees.
He has represented individuals and corporate houses in other areas of law before the Supreme Court Of India, the High Court, the Debts Recovery Tribunal and other forums. He has also participated in many mediation and arbitration matters.
Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 5th March 2019.
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