Date of Birth : 28/07/1964
Date of Initial Appointment : 18/10/2021
Date of Joining : 18/10/2021
Date of Retirement : 27/07/2026
Source :BAR
Introduction : Elevated as Judge, High Court of Gujarat on 18th October 2021.
Born on 28th July, 1964 at Patan in the service class family. Graduated in Commerce from H. A. College of Commerce, Ahmedabad in the year 1984. Obtained Law Degree from Sir L. A. Shah College, Ahmedabad and was enrolled as an advocate with the Bar Council of Gujarat on 03.04.1992.
Joined the legal profession in the year 1992 and started practice in the High Court of Gujarat. Joined the chamber of late Advocate Shree B. J. Jadeja. Practiced in all fields of law i.e. Civil matters, Criminal matters, service matters, labour matters, Constitutional matters. Subsequently, appointed as Assistant Government Pleader in the year 1995 and appointed as an Additional Public Prosecutor in the year 1999 in the High Court of Gujarat. From 2003-2006 appointed as Standing Counsel for the Central Government in the High Court of Gujarat and also represented the Central Bureau of Investigation in the High Court of Gujarat and also represented Banks, Corporations and Gujarat Housing Board and Slum Clearance Board.
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