Date of Birth : 29/12/1940
Date of Joining : 22/11/1990
Held Office Till : 29/12/2002
Source :BAR
Introduction : Appointed as a judge of the High Court of Gujarat from 22/11/1990
Was educated throughout India at various schools, through English medium. Obtained Grade I in Overseas School Certificate Examination conducted by the Cambridge University (Senior Cambridge). Joined the Science Stream for B.Sc. degree with Poona University. On account of Grade I in the Senior Cambridge Examination, was exempted from First Year of the degree course and admitted directly to Inter Science (Second Year of College). Obtained B.Sc. degree (with honours) from Gujarat University in 1961. Took LL.B. degree in June, 1963.
Enrolled as an Advocate on 30.6.1964.
Practised for five years in the City Civil & Sessions Court at Ahmedabad and also other District Courts with Senior Counsel up to June 1968. Shifted to exclusive High Court practice in Gujarat High Court in June 1968. Was appointed Assistant Govt. Pleader and Public Prosecutor in June, 1969 and worked as such up to November, 1976. Handled all types of matters such as Special Civil Applications under Arts.226 and 227 etc. civil and criminal matters, income-tax matters and particularly company matters. Also handled arbitration proceedings.
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